No experience, sales skills or celebrity following?

Achieve financial freedom with only the phone, the laptop and this model!

limited offer – Nur 4,99 €

The business model for financial independence


A system that predictably unlocks time, place and financial freedom. Regardless of your skill level, audience size, or economic situation, this works. Not just because of these steps and their order, but because of the way each step is performed.

With the Ghost Commerce 5 Day Challenge you can easily get started with passive income!


What can you expect in the Ghost Commerce e-book?

In the Ghost Commerce 5 Day Challenge you will receive:

  • How to get over €1000 in passive income with 30 minutes a day.
  • Step-by-step guide to success
  • Exclusive access to our partner network with 50% commission

1. Basics
2. Affiliate Partners
3. Brand building
4. Social Networks
5. Stay tuned
6. Make money

Everything you need to know about the Ghost Commerce – Starter Guide:

What is Ghost Commerce?
Ghost Commerce is a timeless business model that allows you to create multiple highly leveraged revenue streams by creating digital assets that connect audiences with high-value solutions. These digital assets can be created as big or small as you want from anywhere in the world and in your own time. Not only can they become very profitable, but they offer freedoms that most other companies don’t have due to their mount.
Why is Ghost Commerce better than other business models?
One of the main reasons people don’t start a business is because they don’t have the capital to get started. Well, the great thing about Ghost Commerce is that you need €0 to get started.
What is the ghost commerce life living?
The great thing about Ghost Commerce is that you can work from anywhere. As long as you have internet, you can work. That means you can take advantage of low-cost areas like Mexico and Thailand, meaning you can get by on less money and enjoy a better quality of life.
how to start
Getting started with Ghost Commerce is actually relatively easy. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy to do! We’re going to show you exactly how to avoid the pitfalls that most of us super ghost commerce users have fallen into at some point in our careers.

That’s why I’ve put together a guide to share my tips to help you become successful with Ghost Commerce as quickly as possible.

Can I really start with €0?
YES! You can start with this business model without any upfront investment!
Is it a one-time purchase?
Yes, it’s a one-time payment for lifetime access with no monthly fees. In addition, you will receive all updates of the eBook completely free of charge.
How and when do I receive the Starter Guide?
After your purchase you will immediately receive an email with a link to download the PDF.

These are the main advantages of Ghost Commerce


You don't have to show your face on social media.


You don't have to make or store your own products.


You can start completely free of charge without any capital investment.


Once you've made some money, you can automate the whole process so you don't have to work anymore.


The profit margins are super high, so you don't need a lot of traffic to make money


It's very easy and quick. You can easily build Ghost Commerce on the side during your main job or school.
